The GFBR podcast that has given us so much information had a great segment about the heroes' personalities that really got me thinking about what some of them were like. Chris actually had my exact same feelings towards Tachyon's personality, and it's the main reason I think she's my favorite character: she's just so confident and has a sense of humor about being a hero. I love the HP tracker art, because it really sums her up for me: she just does what she wants and still gets the job done, and doesn't always take things seriously. I love her flavor texts, because they really show off how she feels when she's moving fast and such.
I also really like Bunker, mainly because you can tell that he's trying to be professional, but really just wants to shout "I'm in a giant robot suit and having a great time!"
I'm sorry if this sounds like a strange intro, but I have no idea how to really start this discussion, but I guess my main point is wondering how everyone else interprets the personalities of the different heroes. Any thoughts?
You're free to do whatever you want to.
A podcast discussing the character's personalities? I can use that. Where can I find it?
Righ' cheea.
You're free to do whatever you want to.
Sweeeeeeet thankyousomuch!
I try and imagine what they would be like/doing should they all be gathered in a non crime fighting setting. Lets say all these heroes get invited to Young Legacy's Hawaii themed birthday party.
Fanatic I see standing ramrod straight in the corner in full armor holding her decorative party cup complete with umbrella as though its the handle of Absolution. Not saying much but straight face and flashing eyes just screaming condemnations on the frivolous party hat worn by Bunker, dressed in a festive Hawaiian shirt and very comfortable and casual. He left his suit parked outside. He chats amiably with everyone and happily compliments Haka on dressing so festively for the occasion.
Haka I see being a little confused by Bunker's comments as he's in the same outfit he wears every day. He sits awkwardly, taking up most of the couch, knees practically to his chin, wondering if he's supposed to understand anything Tachyon is saying to him as she socially flits around the room conversing with Haka on the couch, Legacy and Ra by the kitchen counter as well as The Visionary and The Wraith standing by the fireplace hearth all at the same time.
Legacy is of course the perfect host. He's like a happy smiling uncle, so glad to see all his family together as he gets his daughter's cake ready. He pulls out the matches but not before Ra's eyes blaze, he calls down the power's of ancient Egypt, points a finger and all the candles burst into flame. Half melting the candles and the icing in the process. The Visionary simply shakes her head. She saw that coming. She tries to stay focused on what The Wraith is saying but can't help seeing flashes of doom and destruction, and a vision of Absolute Zero getting a speeding ticket on his way to the party and receiving a larger fine for disrespecting an officer. That explains why he's been sitting and brooding in the corner the whole party with no more then a grunt to anyone who addresses him. She returns her mind to the conversation.
The Wraith is well trained in proper social etiquette and is the perfect guest, complimenting Mrs. Parsons on her lovely roses. All the while her eyes scan the room for signs of illegal activity, possible enemies and the quickest escape route in case of an emergency. She carefully watches the new guy, Mr. Fixer. He hasn't been around long enough to have The Wraith's complete trust. But then...who does?
Mr. Fixer is at that moment under the kitchen sink working on a leak. Legacy told him to leave it be and enjoy the party but Mr. Fixer isn't much of one for idle conversation.
Tempest stands by the fish bowl with a bit of a longing look on his face. He sighs, fixes his gills into a smile and tries to start a conversation with Fanatic.
Expatriatte just sends a card.
I pity the villain that crashes this party. I'm not even that crass as to crash a birthday party with that kind of firepower and I am a jerk. :P
The Myth, The Legend, The Dream. You can't escape The Conscience!
Oh man, now I'm imagining Mr. Fixer being like Ron Swanson.
See the way my body's glowing? Yeah, a lot of people can't do that.
Ron Swanson in SOTM......... my imagination is running wild.....
I will say two things about the birthday party scenario.
Second,you're pretty much spot on about everyone, other than Haka. He's a lot more jovial than people give him credit for. He's been around a long time, and has learned to be rather chill. He is a substitute teacher for a few kindergartens, as he loves talking to children, and they enjoy him as well. He's one of the only people that can shame Legacy with a look of, "Well, that wasn't very nice, was it?" The only things that can throw him into a rage are his friends being hurt or innocents in danger. He enjoys ABBA and his favorite musical is "Movin' Out".
He's one of my favorite characters to play around with. He's a much nicer person than almost anyone I know, but he's also a centuries old warrior, wise in the ways of the world. I've always liked that his tagline is "The Savage" Haka, because it's a tag line more about how he is perceived than what his personality is.
Sorry for rambling on like that! Give me the time and space, and I'll write pages and pages on any/all of these characters!
"Your goodness must have some edge to it — else it is none."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
No disrespect to Haka intended. I guess I'll have to get to know him better. :D
We need to get you time and space!
Time and Space... I see what you did there. ;)
"I'm not prone to hyperbole, but she is the Antichrist." - chwineka
I saw that too. Haka promo coming in Time and Space. >:(
Back on track, I find The Visionary a bit off. To me, The Visionary would be more like a strict mom. She says things like "I told you so." and "I wouldn't do that if I were you." because she sees some vision of the future and knows to some extent what the future holds (at least in her timeline).
For some reason, I see Tachyon being a bit cheeky. Maybe it's her pose on her HP tracker. Maybe it's because she has some cheeky flavor quotes "Dude you are not my nemesis" "I have a spare D-Cell".
Alright, I was gone for a few hours, and this is what I missed? I feel so behind! But I actually kinda figured Haka to be a happy person, because in his HP tracker art, he's just got the biggest smile on his face and just looks like he wants to make a clever quip or something. Some of the heroes just seem to have a sense of humor about what they're doing, like I said earlier. Specifically, Tachyon, Bunker, Young Legacy, and Haka seem like the kind of heroes that can be serious and get the job done when it needs to be done, but afterwards (and maybe even during) they can just laugh and relax. And I don't blame Bunker; if I had a giant robot weapon suit, my only thought would be "This is just a ton of fun!"
The other hero I think has probably the most interesting life is of course Young Legacy. Assuming she's in late high school or college, I see her as not really fighting too much big crime (I imagine Legacy would probably be protective of his daughter, and just tell her to focus on school/university), but she still gets treated like a celebrity and makes a lot of friends. You know those people who are easy to talk to and care about everyone and will fix any problem, big or small, and don't expect anything in return? I see her like that.
And I actually see Visionary as being more kind and passively sympathetic to the heroes, since in her bio, it mentions how the world has gone to hell, and in order to live, she goes back in time. But since this is a multiverse with multiple timelines, that future still exists, and the Freedom Six of the future are still stranded there. She probably knew the future versions of many of the heroes (And even knew if any of them die), so I feel like she'd be (awkwardly) trying to be friends with them.
You're free to do whatever you want to.
Having seen Unity's description I somehow see her and Mr. Fixer getting along. Kind of like Wolverine being the protector/friend of Jubilee (or Rogue in the movies).
Oooh! Mr. Fixer/Unity as Wolverine/Jubilee! I actually really like that a lot (especially since Unity seems a lot less annoying than Jubilee and Uncle Wolfy gets a little 'eh' whereas I think Mr. Fixer would avoid some of that).
"Crime doesn't keep the Sabbath"
"I'm the best there is at what I do. And what I do is hit people with auto tools."
Based on our info for this new Ambuscade guy, I'm gonna guess he and Spite get along. I'm assuming they both got their genetic-mutation drugs from the same place (Pike?), both are fond of keeping their faces covered with similar masks, but mainly, they've got an insatiable need to hunt people. Imagine what they could do if they worked together. But I'm guessing at some point they may have had a hunting competition or something. Of course, they'd scale the competition, what with Ambuscade hunting heroes and Spite hunting people.
You're free to do whatever you want to.
I'm curious how all the Citizens interact with each other. They all obviously have their own cliques, and some citizens are obviously more equal than other citizens, but are the cliques more antagonistic or dismissive towards each other? How quickly would they turn on each other if Dawn was removed from the picture?
That's a very good question Ryushikaze, that makes me also wonder the same thing. And their names, is that their real names or are they names Citizen Dawn gave to them?
I imagine them much like the minions of The Monarch, honestly. Comic book geeks in their spare time, with a few middling skills of their own. Lots of infighting, but at the end of the day, they're just... there.
Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!
They're names they take for themselves when they're initiated as Citizens. As for power dynamic, if Dawn were removed there would certainly be a vacuum that several would attempt to fill, resulting in more than a little infighting, but as they are currently, they're kept under tight rein by Citizen Dawn.
The Monarch's minions are a better analogy for the Blade Battalion, who is literally a segment of a faceless army of disposable soldiers. The Citizens are more akin to an elite squad of elevated superhumans.
I see, now time from a special deck for the citizens of what if Citizen Dawn would fall. Actually it would be cool to have a "What if" scenerio from a bunch of characters.
I personally liken them to Magneto's Brotherhood with some obvious Soviet Propaganda mixed in.
Also, there used to be a Citizen Arm, but citizen Anvil forced him out because he was trying to chum up to Hammer a bit too much.
You're actually not entirely wrong. We went through a LOT of names for Citizens. Like a LOT.
I mourn the loss of Citizen Peanut, Citizen Butter, and Citizen Jelly. They will be missed.
Pydro: "Bunker doesn't shoot, he budda buddas."
I can't start to imagine what Citizen Jelly's power will be...
I don't think you're ready for Citizen Jelly.
Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!
Not even joking - Citizens Peanut Butter and Jelly were names that passed between us. This went on for about 3 hours.
How about Citizen Ham and Citizen Cheese? Citizen Peace, Citizen Love, and Citizen Rock 'n Roll?
I believe you mean Citizen Rock and Citizen Roll. Which, due to the twisted paths my mind takes, makes me wonder: what about Citizen Sears and Citizen Roebuck?
No I mean Citizin Rock 'n Roll, otherwise it wouldn't make sense with Peace, Love, and Rock 'n Roll.
I believe Citizen Rock and Citizen Roll to be the founders of the City that Citizen Dawn now inhabits.
Stop lurking, it makes you look like a villain target
When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all
Temporary image until an H emoticon is added!
Actually, I think you mean the foundation. ;)
Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!
Probably couldn't get them off the roof of your mouth...
"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." - Mal
Unicode U+24BD gets us Ⓗ. (Thanks, Godai!)
Sadly, that clique broke up when Citizen Sex and Citizen Drugs showed up. Although Citizen Understanding was there to pick up the slack.
Gaming Unplugged columnist (and video game reviewer) at Snackbar Games
As this is about the relationship between the Citizens, I'd like to mention that Citizen Ebony and Citizen Ivory get along very well. They even live together. In perfect harmony.
Twitter: imprimis5. Follow away!
I have helped create a monster, and I love it.
Also, I almost feel like we need two special decks for this- Sunset of the Citizens and Dregs of the Dawn, one for the Citizens without Dawn's unifying presence, lots more damage to heros, but they're also dealing damage to other citizens, and one for the drummed out citizens.
I really wanted a Citizen Kane and a Citizen Able.
Rosebud... ;-)
At end of Villain Turn, Citizen Kane reveals that it was a sled.
See the way my body's glowing? Yeah, a lot of people can't do that.
That would be citizens Sex, Drugs, Rock, and Roll :P
I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.
I take the words. I scatter them in time... and space.
A message to lead myself here.
Citizen Kane
Interests: Bobsledding and fratricide
In introducing this game there is always enough in the gameplay to explain I rarely get to introduce the story and personality behind the characters which is such a fun part of what makes sentinels an experience and not just a game. So here I'm asking you how you would describe each heroes personality in no more than three words. So for example with mr. Fixer I don't want "martial arts expert" that describes how he plays, what his specialties are...I want "silent reserved shy" or whatever you think his personality is like.
So what do you do you describe the heroes personality in three words or less?
So just let it be known that Unity has (in my opinion) the best personality of the heroes, making her my new favorite.
You're free to do whatever you want to.
Haka in 3 words - Jovial strong bear
Now I'm a believer - in Nightmist
Absolute Zero: Sarcastic, reluctant ally.
I find Zero really interesting - both in terms of gameplay and storyline. I've heard Christopher say he's kind of a d-bag, which mostly appears to be true, but is understandable given what he's been through before and after his transformation. He seems to have a keen sense of irony, so I'm sure it wouldn't be lost on him that his name's Frost and he's 'the cold guy'. He spent two years in a cryo chamber before he even tried the suit on, so he isn't initially up for a fight - but if he's on your team (and you get his setup right) he's pretty useful to have around, for sure.
I would have put him as "Snarky, reckless berserker."
He's pretty reluctant to fight; he would rather sit at home, and in fact tried to, but he has to fight villains to keep the suit.
When the fight starts, he would rather just get it over with, which explains why his style is basically just rushing in and hitting everything, not caring if he gets hurt -- and in fact sometimes goes out of his way to -- while constantly reminding his team mates that he really doesn't care what's going on.
McBehrer is the sole winner of this game... And McBehrer, I would step carefully should you find your way down dark alleys. More than one vote said simply, "McBehrer must die."
McBehrer confirmed to be Biomancer!
-- Trajector
Having played as Zero again, I now definitely agree with that assessment. :D
Now knowing that Haka is actually a kindergarden teacher in his free time really makes him one of the most likeable heroes. He's a warrior who's around 400 years old, and what does he do with his time? Help teach kids. That's a real hero.
You're free to do whatever you want to.
What do we think about Nightmist and THE ARGENT ADEPT* (*spoken in booming voice)?
While I think their decks are among the most interesting, their personalities seem kind of.. flat? I can't really get a good feel for them, but their personality basicly seems to be *just* their power. Every line of flavor text they utter is Serious, like they're too cool to be cool. Sort of makes me dislike playing with them, despite the awesome decks. Perhaps they just have had less opportunities to shine, but I'd have liked them to be more pronounced from the start. Or perhaps it's intentional, and arcane and divine powers just make you Serious Business. But at least Fanatic has her.. fanaticism and Ra his megalomania to make them stand out.
I think Nighmist has the same problem as a well known comics occult investigator : people around her tend to suffer and even die. She tries to protect them, but her powers are dangerous, and demons always near - and they spare no one. Sometimes, to protect humanity, she has to make sacrifices... She may be more used to dark endings than the other heroes. And of course, the unstability of her body can be an obstacle to building a romantic relationship. I think she would like to stay away from people, to protect them, but can't help having friends and romantic involvements - but it always end in a very bad way. She probably feels very guilty about it.
AA is an interesting case - I see a "happy go-lucky" nightlife guy who suddenly found himself with a big responsability on his shoulders. He is very serious about it, but in his free time, he may well need to unwind and be a party man. His looks, voice and civilian life probably mean he has a lot of girl (or boy) friends around, and his out-of-costume stories may be about his lovers, his old friends and all the things he did "when he was young" - and how he tries to "fix" some of it now that he has acquired more wisdom. I think heroes that work with him may find he has a very different behavior on the battlefield and in his civilian life.
In the "birth day party" situation, I see Nightmist sipping some punch in a corner, always happy to chatter, but not trying to begin conversations, while AA is mixing drink at the counter, telling wild stories about his "youth" and defying Haka to an improvized poetry contest with the words "morning", "chocolate" and "catapult" - all the while keeping an ear to the "background music" for potential need of... The ARGENT ADEPT !
Any view of things that is not strange is false - Neil Gaiman