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Bottom of the 9th Errata and FAQ

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Bottom of the 9th Errata and FAQ

Since this hasn't been posted directly here,  as Mike Mullins has left that up to GtG / DHMG to do, I'm first posting the links to the BGG threads and then I'll post here what is currently there

Official Errata and FAQ

Individual Card FAQ


Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Mullins014 wrote:
In our excitement to get the game into your hands, it seems we made a few rules oversights! Solo play in particular needs a lot of clarification, because we edited a bit too aggressively trying to fit the rules onto 2 pages. Maybe your first editions with the faulty rulebook will have a high re-sale value like those rare baseball card misprints... 
Page 7, MVP ability
MVP abilities may not be activated twice for a single swing, even if you have the option to "chose any two" abilities.
Page 8, Swing Chart - when the swing = control vs a strike, the result is a foul ball. Luckily, this is correctly identified on the hitting reference cards. 
Page 12, Solo Play, Setup
The Home Opener scenario on the back of the Pitch Mitigation card should be the first scenario you play to begin Manager Mode. Subsequently, choose scenarios as described in the rules.
Page 12, Solo Play, Pitcher Deck and Fatigue - If the pitcher deck is depleted, finish the at-bat as normal, with the pitcher selecting tokens opposite of the Ace pitch during the staredown. Following the at-bat, select another pitcher randomly (or as dictated by the scenario) to become the new pitcher. Shuffle the pitcher discard pile to form the new deck, and then immediately Fatigue the pitcher 3 (discard 3 cards).
Page 13, Solo play, Pitch Mitigation - After the pitch dice are rolled or re-rolled, consult the chart. If any of the "Keep" results are obtained, do not use any further abilities that grant re-rolls. Instead, use all available abilities (including those granted by traits) to improve the result. 
Note the exception that is listed correctly in the rulebook: if a pitcher throws the Ace, its ability will always be used, unless an S6, C1, or C6 can be obtained without it. 
Haka - on the front of the card he is listed as a First Baseman, but he is actually a Catcher, as listed on the back side.
J. A. Kapowski - position should read First Base, not Bast. 
Kido Hero - is actually Kido Hiro, as it says on the checklist. I'll spare you the long version, but "Hiro" in Japanese can mean generous or prosperous, among other things.
Edits and additions will be made as necessary.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Mullins014 wrote:
Feel free to post questions here, or tweet them @bluedevilduke.
Do I have to decide which abilities I am using before I roll?
No. All abilities are used after the pitch and swing rolls, respectively. These abilities are chosen one at a time, so if you had "choose any two" you could reroll first, and then decide if you needed another reroll or the +/- 1.
If there is a runner on second and first base is empty, what happens during the run phase?
The runner on second will try to go to third, and the batter will try to reach first. If the batter wins the Run phase and yells "Safe," there would be runners on 1st and 3rd. If instead the pitching player yelled "Out," the lead runner is thrown out, and the batter reaches first safely.
What about bunts? sac flies? steals? double plays....?
We hear you, we really do! Our goal with the initial release was to make an accessible game for gamers and baseball fans alike. This resulted in many of the nuanced plays being left out, because they created a rules load that tended to slow down what was meant to be a quick-playing game.
Advanced play rules will surely be a part of our next release, and you'll likely see them posted here on the forums before then.
Can you give me a few examples of how a pitch is resolved in solo play?
Let's use Wake Louder for the following examples. His Ace says that natural B5's and B6's become natural C6's, and we'll assume he wins both red and white pitch tokens.
1. He throws his Ace pitch, then rolls a S5 - he'd keep the result, and use the red ability to make the pitch a S6.
2. He throws his Ace, then rolls a B3 - According to the chart he'd simply keep that and use -1's, but the rules specify that pitchers always try to use the Ace pitch. In this case he'd reroll the control die once or twice, trying to get a natural 5 or 6.
3. He doesnt throw the Ace, then rolls B4 - Pitchers are designed to be aggressive, so consulting the chart tells us that Wake would reroll the pitch type die, looking for a S or C. If the reroll came up B, he'd roll it again. If it came up S, he'd +1 to S5. If it came up C, he'd reroll the control die looking for a 1 or 6.
What's the point of fatigue in the solo game?
As a player, you have perfect information; you know the exact contents of the deck. Therefore, the more fatigued the pitcher is (more cards are in the discard), the better your chances to make the statistically correct prediction. You can also use this situationally to decide whether or not to protect against a possible Ace, or side with the probabilities. This becomes *super* important for the Manager of the Year difficulty level, when you cannot choose the same 2 pitch tokens twice in a row.
Can you clarify how "natural rolls" work?
Any time a number is shown inside a box on a player card, such as S[5], that number must be rolled (or rerolled) and obtained without modifications like +/- 1, flipping the die, or setting the die to a particular face.
However, you can modify out of a natural roll, if for example you rolled a B[1] with Leslie Lou and didnt want to hit the batter with the pitch.
What does "any 2" mean?
Choose any 2 allows you to pick any combination of (W), (R), and :star: abilities listed on your card. All bonuses, with the exception of the :star:, can be stacked. So you could reroll twice, or get +/-2.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Mullins014 wrote:
She cannot modify her swing vs a low pitch, and always gets (R) vs a high pitch. 
"Modify" always means changing the actual number rolled, so she can still reroll against low pitches.
Finally, all abilities always stack, so she would be able to use (R) twice if she won that token during a staredown vs a high pitch.
Home Opener (solo)
The Home Opener should be the first scenario you play in solo mode. For future playthroughs, you could opt to draw a scenario for each game. Added this to errata.
Ethan Roberto
When using his MVP, complete one Run phase. If he reaches first safely, he then declare if he'd like to try to run to second. At this point a second Run phase takes place, but only for Ethan advancing to 2nd. 
King Launius 
If you could Crush the ball and have his MVP available, you must choose which to activate. If you Crush it, and the Crush roll is a 1-2, you must still enter the Run phase.
Pete R Schmidt
You must decide to activate his trait before rolling your swing. You cannot roll, fail, and then declare that you're taking the ball.
Verheerend Staab
When using his MVP, you choose which of the pitcher's tokens is fatigued 1.
Manny Burgerhead
His trait says "always," so you must always apply the +/-1 to your control result. However, if you roll an S[6], you may still use the +1, and simply fail to rotate the die since it's maxed out. Note that this makes all his pitches vs lefties not "natural" results.
Wake Louder
Wake's trait doesn't activate vs foul balls. Additionally, if his trait does activate and the pitcher gets the out during the run phase, the lead runner is out but the other batters successfully advance.
Dialed In (solo)
The pitcher rerolls the control die once each time a B[5] or B[6] pitch is thrown. The "reroll once" simply means that you cannot reroll indefinitely.
Southpaw Straw
If ejected with no pitcher in your bullpen, bring in a new, fully fatigued pitcher of your opponent's choosing.
Talent Scouts
There can only be one token on the card at any time, meaning that unless there is a walk, the ability is refreshed for each new batter. 
He's basically a rookie, with no active trait. But he's awesome! ^_^

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

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Question .  im looking at a few cards and noticed something. Reld Nahcire,Tiff McGriff, J.A. Kapowski all have the some mis print are there cards? are these 3cards supposed to have double ability, 

Reld has +1/-1 or reroll control die twice

Tifff has reroll swing twice 

JA had +1/-1to swing twice are these misprint 

Powerhound_2000's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
Joined: Sep 14, 2013

My guess is no as I don't see them listed on either page but it would be best to post on the BGG forums since Mike Mullins seems to keep track of it over there.  

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Foote's picture
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xxsnotzombiexx wrote:

Question .  im looking at a few cards and noticed something. Reld Nahcire,Tiff McGriff, J.A. Kapowski all have the some mis print are there cards? are these 3cards supposed to have double ability, Reld has +1/-1 or reroll control die twiceTifff has reroll swing twice JA had +1/-1to swing twice are these misprint 

Why is the assumption that they are misprints? It's pretty clear that Reld, if two tokens are won in staredown, trades the option of rerolling for getting to manipulate the die twice. Same applies for the others. This is the kind of thing that makes players different from one another. It's working as intended.