We noticed playing today that the Unload red ability says “Attack multiple targets ...” but doesn’t say anything about how many targets or how wide an area. (Compare that to, say, Eruption which specifies it attacks three targets.) Is there supposed to be a limit on the number of targets or size of the area of fire with this or is it something that literally can hit an entire scene all at once?
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The limit is, well, as many as make sense in the narrative. This could mean that to catch every hostile target, you also have to hit some allies along the way. This is also true for the Green and Yellow damaging AoEs.
A single man
Standing alone in a field of swords
Blades borne to the unmoving air
An unchanging world as their sheathe
Preserved for eternity
This is my Origin
- Avalon, The Living Sheathe
Cool, that’s how we played it out. So basically Unload is a somewhat uncontrolled burst effect that hits everything in an area more or less, while Eruption only hits a few selected targets so is less powerful but also less risky. Makes sense.
Unload and Eruption (and all other mass Attacks) do not necessarily need to be uncontrollable or controllable, though. It really depends on the fiction. If the fiction of the Attact says it's uncontrollable, then it is. But if the Attack's fiction says that the Attack can hit all enemies in a scene and no allies, then so be it.
Hope this helps!
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