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Weekly One-Shot #258: The Ceaseless Ruin

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starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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Weekly One-Shot #258: The Ceaseless Ruin

Here comes the big one! It's OblivAeon time!

Guise, Scholar of the Infinite, Sky-Scraper, and Rogue Agent KNYFE are doing space things in space, (starting in Dok'thorath and the Block, but extending to the Time Cataclysm, the Enclave, and the Celestial Tribunal) when space starts to become not-space. Help them stop the Ceaseless Ruin, the End of All Things!


Good luck heroes. You're very much going to need it. 


starkenburg_alexander's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 04, 2013

Can't really spoil since things are so different for every play but here we go anyway.


Near Mint after a close first game that cascaded quickly out of control. First game I got a pretty sweet setup going with the Scholar redirecting all damage then Expect(ing) the Worst for two turns in a row. This let the heroes get pretty set up and ready to destroy the shield. We had 3 turns left on the card, so figured we would bunker down then destroy it on the turn it ticked down to 1. Unfortunately, one of the Scion turns played Temporal Fractures due to a Focus of Power (tick to 2), then OblivAeon (tick to 1...) played another (tick to 0). Kaboom #1. The heroes survived due to the above Redirect, but OblivAeon added destruction tokens due to no heroes getting hit by his end of turn. This added up to enough for Kaboom #2 next turn. I thought I might be able to burn him quickly enough with a OblivAeon shard + Mecha-knight KNYFE, so I did the redirect trick again. Kaboom #2 happens, and he plays Absorb Energy... He adds another 8 tokens and Kaboom #3 is incoming. I manage to survive that, but can't burn him down through his 3rd phase fast enough and Kaboom #4 explodes everything. 


Second game I more or less did the same what I did the first game, just didn't use the redirect trick so the tokens wouldn't build up as fast. Sky Scraper and KNYFE fell, but Legacy and Tempest helped finish off OblivAeon and Voss this time. Legacy with Lead from the Front and Next Evolution (plus a few extra powers via incapacitated abilities) let's him selectively tank and avoid extra tokens. Also, Heroic Interception and Take Down are just fabulous.  Regular Tempest's incap of heroes immune to a type of damage can really help avoid the Kaboom damage as well.


Strategy to start was to skip Infusion of Power on Guise and move to zone 2. Move the Scholar over to 2 and pick it up to flip it that turn. I skipped Form the Head on Sky and moved to 2, then KNYFE moved and picked it up. Unfortunately, Dark Mind keeps it from flipping that turn, but Nixious will flip over to 2 and you can kill him to flip to Mecha-knight. From there, Guise can help break the shield with Gimmicky Character to put cards in the environment trash and play UYITG on the Scholar to get Apex and Form powers. 


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: May 31, 2016

Near mint becuse of an accidental backup (Forgot I was playing the one shot).

Guise made it all the way to the end, though he had 3 HP at that point.

Got the shield flipped quickly, broke it a few rounds later, and then just beat on OblivAeon from there.  Guise & Scholar lasted quite a while, Scholar only when down because of the Shard overwhelming his 2 Flesh to Irons.

TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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I dunno what happened, but I just spent probably close to two minutes watching Oblivaeon blast through half the Scions in the game, after which he flipped for some reason, after which I lost.

This isn't going to be fun. :(

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Lost three environments, but that was partially to our benefit; at no point were any heroes in the same zone as OA when that happened, and each time he smacked That Scion around for irreducible damage, helping us get rid of him before the game could be extended.

Lost four heroes, two of which were only right at the end. F5 Legacy tagged in for Guise and happily took over the Atlantean Conduit. Take Down shut down phase 3 OA. Tempest tagged in for Sky-Scraper and held on to the end, including a pretty epic 1v1 with Progeny while the other three dealt with OA phase 2 and 3. F6 Bunker tagged in for Rogue Agent KNYFE and flipped Chekhov's Hairdryer for Scholar, as well as taking out a couple of critical ongoings with his base power, piling on with a Legacy and El Mejor Legado-boosted Mecha-Knight,  and shutting down the environments. F6 Bunker dropped right at the end to no effect.

But the star of the show was Scholar, who got Apex of Humanity, Infinity Cannon, Meager Winnings, Lucky Break, The Chronoist, Everyman, Devastating Aurora, *and* the Hairdryer. Sitting behind two Flesh to Irons and Apex of Humanity the entire game meant that he shrugged off basically everything, and slowly built up the ability to do completely bananas amounts of damage. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep Everyman alive for a super long time; fortunately, I was able to redraw him after a shuffle and keep pounding. Two consecutive rounds of damage prevention on phase 3 OA meant he didn't do a single point of damage before he got wiped off the field.

I made one critical mistake early on and decided to rewind it; I'd forgotten that the player can choose where OA ends up in the case of an environment destruction, and realized too late that I'd sent him to the wrong zone. Ah well. Rewinding that turned a certain loss into an (eventual) relatively easy win.

The PayneTrayne
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Encountered a fun bug on my first run: Borr the Unstable got hit by the Block Guard (preventing him from dealing damage), which was enough to destroy him. Borr then exploded, dealing damage to everything.

Ario's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
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If I recall correctly that is not a bug, but the result of a ruling that since Borr on his flipside is not a target any "targets don't deal damage," such Block Guard or Hypersonic Assault, do not apply to him. Cards such as Ground Pound should still affect that damage though.

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Near mint after some early mistakes required a rewind. I pumped Knyfe up pretty good, arranging things so she had multiple powers per turn and Cold War. I blew Oblivaeon Shard with 10 devastation tokens and burned through all of Oblivaeon's hit points and then splashed through to cut Voss in half.  Knyfe didn't make it but the carnage was enough. 

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PlaytesterExceeded Expectations
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Encountered a fun bug on my first run: Borr the Unstable got hit by the Block Guard (preventing him from dealing damage), which was enough to destroy him. Borr then exploded, dealing damage to everything.

That's not a bug and is mentioned in Fireside chats

Fireside Chats wrote:

Suppose Scholar hits Borr with Offensive Transmutation. Then, on the next turn, Borr flips. He deal the damage on the flip side, since The Scholar is only preventing damage dealt by That Target, and Borr is no longer a target.

Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and laminate their women! - Guise, Prime Wardens #31

Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Oct 23, 2019

First attempt got roasted... after a few attempts later I finally get it... without losing any heroes and only one environment... which had shattering blow came up like a turn sooner I probably wouldn't have lost it. Honestly nearly got to the end without Voss showing up. Knife dealing 7-10 instances of damage a turn with the Oblivaeon shard and the tokens up to 17 just annihilated Obliaveon and had damage left over for Voss.

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Joined: Jul 10, 2015

took me multiple tries too, but at some point in my third game benchmark got the shard and the mecha knight, and was doing >50 damage a shot with that power. lol.

he had the missile pod too,  I burned through both forms of AE, and voss in one turn. the missile pod didnt even finish emptying. glad thats over though, I still find that mode a bit of a mess, personnally, in terms of gameplay.

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Took me a ridiculous amount of attempts but eventually did it in style, hitting Oblivion for 293 in one round. Guise + infinity shard + Guise the Barbarian + the card that lets him discard at the end of hero turns to hit for 1 = lots of damage. He then cloned scholar's ongoings with a card play from a reward and started doing wild amounts of damage whenever he regained HPs (gotta love best card ever!)

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Lost to a 32 hp voss first attempt. Then got crushed 3 more times before mr. Fixer slammed everything in his path with that 5 hits for 1 damage reward with crowbars, damage boost style, damage boost card for having a tool and style,  legacy power and inspiring presence. (I should memorize card names). Was fun. Killed oblivosson

TakeWalker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Feb 26, 2016

I hate this so much. Getting rid of this shield is impossible. No matter what I do, he just kills all the heroes before they have a chance to damage themselves.

Not only do I not see myself ever beating this, I think I'll be skipping Oblivaeon one-shots in the future.