Having recently watched some of the Tactics streams, I got out my gathering-dust copy of Tactics to brush up on the rules and probably play it sometime. Looking at the cards, I noticed something: I only had six for each character.
*head hits palm repeatedly*
How on Earth did I not notice this before?
“You gotta have blue hair."
If you didn't get it directly from the KS, you probably didnt get the promo pack that gave the seventh card to each character. However, it's currently for sale on the BGG store for 5 bucks
I Kickstarted, so I should've got them. I will either email Jodie or just get them from the BGG store (thanks for the link, btw) - I just wanted to highlight my own idiocy.
“You gotta have blue hair."
When mine came with the kickstarter stuff the cards were put in with the art prints. So if you haven't looked in that evenelope, the promos might be in there.
...I may well be doubly silly then. I will have to check that, next time I'm home...
“You gotta have blue hair."
Your link was useful to me I thought those cards were out of reach since I did preorder broken city the old heroes won't fall behind on possible plays. Thanks a lot.
Really glad they have them for sale there; while you can play Sentinels without the promos just fine, the competitive nature of Tactics makes them a necessity.
Those are valid promos? Not photocopies?
I THOUGHT I was the the last Scion but it's actually .....
I believe it's the same pack they sell at the conventions
Thanks for the link!
The promos on BGG are definitely valid promos! I sent them there myself :)
“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” ~Obi-Wan Kenobi